Type alias SerializedFewShotTemplate

SerializedFewShotTemplate: {
    _type: "few_shot";
    example_separator: string;
    examples: string | Example[];
    input_variables: string[];
    template_format: TemplateFormat;
    example_prompt?: SerializedPromptTemplate;
    prefix?: string;
    suffix?: string;

Represents a serialized version of a few-shot template. This type includes an _type field set to 'few_shot', input_variables which are an array of strings representing the variables to be used in the template, examples which can be a string or an array of Example objects, an optional example_prompt which is a SerializedPromptTemplate, example_separator which is a string, optional prefix and suffix strings, and template_format which specifies the format of the template.

Type declaration

  • _type: "few_shot"
  • example_separator: string
  • examples: string | Example[]
  • input_variables: string[]
  • template_format: TemplateFormat
  • Optional example_prompt?: SerializedPromptTemplate
  • Optional prefix?: string
  • Optional suffix?: string

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